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Comic Strips
01/13 Akira #1
03/03 Akira #4
03/04 Akira #5
03/05 Akira #6
03/06 Akira #7
03/07 Akira #8
06/26 Akira #9
06/28 Akira #10
07/07 Akira #11
07/08 Akira #12
07/09 Akira #13
07/10 Akira #14
07/11 Akira #15
07/14 Akira #3
07/15 Akira #16
08/06 Akira #17
10/11 Akira #2
Thursday, June 26, 2003
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Akira Illustration #9 "Lisa"

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

I'm really bad at drawing illustration. I prefer drawing a comic strip than working on an illustration. My sister, on other hand, likes illustration better than comic. Totally opposite... Interesting, isn't it?

Anyway, I need to start practicing on illustration (especially coloring). I want to be able to draw beautiful illustration so I can start selling T-shirts. So from today on, I'll work on illustrations on Tuesday and Thursday (one character per day). On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday there will be usual ExCoKo comic strips. I'll continue until all the main characters (including characters like Shion, Junichi) are covered. I'm not slacking off. One illustration takes as much time as one comic strip. That's one of the reason I don't like illustration. It takes so much time.

  • Pencil - 10:00 - 12:00 (2 hours)
  • Inking - 12:00 - 01:00 (1:00 hours)
  • Coloring - 01:00 - 02:30 (1:30 hours)

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