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01/13 Akira #1
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07/10 Akira #14
07/11 Akira #15
07/14 Akira #3
07/15 Akira #16
08/06 Akira #17
10/11 Akira #2
12/10 Akira #18
12/11 Akira #19
12/12 Akira #20
12/15 Akira #21
Wednesday, July 9, 2003
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Akira Illustration #13 "Junichi"

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Here is Junichi, the most hated and most loved character in ExCoKo history. He was very interesting to draw. Most of ExCoKo characters are nice people (yes, even Professor), except him. He's not a good guy, but he isn't a bad guy either. He's a very ambiguous person, and I think that makes him charming. Is there any chance if he's going to appear again in future comic strips? I don't have any plan to make him come back (yet). If there is another Haruna's story arc, mabye ^^;

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