| "Yoakemaeyori Ruriirona" by Akira (2005-10-09) |
I think I'll buy the game "
Yoakemaeyori Ruriirona (Keyorina) (warning 18 over)" made by "
August (warning 18 over)" when its price drops to a reasonable level. This company is famous for making "
Tukihahigashini Hihanishini (Hani Hani) (warning 18 over)" which was turned into
a rather boring anime series last year (^_^;). Of course, I've watched everything even though it was quite painful to watch together with "
Wind -a breath of heart-".
I really like the character design of August, so I practiced with a character from "Keyorina". And sorry about all the "18 over" warnings ^_^; Please don't go there if you are under 18.