Welcome to Tsunami Channel
Comic Strips
09/03 Akira #70
09/04 Akira #71
09/05 Akira #72
09/06 Akira #73
09/07 Akira #74
09/13 Akira #75
09/14 Akira #76
09/17 Akira #77
12/21 Akira #78
03/03 Akira #79
08/04 Akira #80
08/06 Akira #81
08/22 Akira #82
08/23 Akira #83
08/25 Akira #84
08/26 Akira #85
08/28 Akira #86
03/30 Akira #87
04/26 Akira #88
10/11 Akira #550
10/12 Akira #92
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
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Akira Illustration #80 "Practice Drawing #1"
(Story Arc: Practice Drawing)

Comic Strip

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"Practice Drawing #1" by Akira

This is a practice drawing to get back to the drawing habit again. It's been four months since I last drew a comic strip... It's a reminder again, but from now on I'm going to write interesting links and youtubes at: Tsunami Channel (Link). This is to keep comic strips and links separate. If you are interested in the development of the iPhone application, you can visit: Tsunami Channel (iPhone).