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Comic Strips
10/11 ExCoKo #4
10/12 ExCoKo #5
10/13 ExCoKo #6
10/14 ExCoKo #7
10/15 ExCoKo #8
10/16 ExCoKo #9
10/17 ExCoKo #10
10/18 ExCoKo #11
10/19 ExCoKo #12
10/20 ExCoKo #13
10/21 ExCoKo #14
10/22 ExCoKo #15
10/23 ExCoKo #16
10/24 ExCoKo #17
10/25 ExCoKo #18
10/26 ExCoKo #19
10/27 ExCoKo #20
10/29 ExCoKo #21
10/30 ExCoKo #22
10/31 ExCoKo #23
11/01 ExCoKo #24
Sunday, October 21, 2001
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Experimental Comic Kotone #14 "Kotone's Power Explained"
(Story Arc: Kotone's Power)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

This comic's hentai-ness totally depends on how SICK your mind is... After reading this comic strip, Konstantin questioned me, "Have you ever wondered where Handmaid May plug her USB cable into?" Hmm, good question. I was always wondering about that too... Anyway, I'm pretty sure noone can exceed my hentai imagination, so don't worry Onii-chan :)