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Thursday, December 6, 2001
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Experimental Comic Kotone #48 "Konstantin and Cats"
(Story Arc: Cat Girl)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Ranma (from Takahashi Rumiko's "Ranma 1/2") hates cat... and he turns into a berserk mode, if he had it too much. When he is in a cat berserk mode, he is invinsible. Anyway, real Konstantin loves cat (or should I say "cat girl"). I changed character setting to make this comic interesting. Nasri was joking about why comic Konstantin hates cat. He said, "Maybe he had a terrible experience turning a cat at anime studio to human...". Yes, that otaku god appeared on my sister's comic "Katwalk Studio" was modeled from Konstantin (more realistic). I haven't come up with real reason why comic Konstantin hates cat. Hmm...

Ah... Onii-chan is so mean in this comic... Well if I think about it, he kicks and punches Konstantin a lot... I thought he was a kind and nice guy. Maybe he's nice only to women...