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Monday, July 8, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #164 "Stuffed Animals"
(Story Arc: Date with Haruna)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

  • Haruna - Kawaii desune? very cute, isn't it?
  • Kotone - Hanyaa~n. Sounds Sakura makes.
  • Haruna - Kusu kusu. Sound of a laugh.
  • Haruna - Kotone-chan ttara. Kotone, you are such a silly girl (in a good way).
  • Kotone - Kono Kame Kawaii~. This tutle is so cute.
  • Haruna - Soudesune. You are right.
  • Haruna - Ookina Otete. A big hand (saying it in a very cute way)
  • Kotone - A, Koremo Iina~. This one is good (cute) too.
  • Kotone - Ne~ Ne~ Haruna-san. A kid wanting an attention (from mom) say this. Kotone is acting like a small girl...
  • Haruna - Naani? Kotone-chan. What is it, Kotone? She is acting like her mom...
  • Haruna - Doushitanodesuka? What is going on?
Since Onii-chan brought up a question "Why Haruna is Onii-chan's fiancee", now I have to come up with a reason... Sigh... I really hoped Onii-chan never bring up this question... Onii-chan is blushing a lot lately.

Onii-chan can understand what Haruna-san is saying to him only... Geez, I have to come up with a reason for this too. Sigh...