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11/11 ExCoKo #210
11/12 ExCoKo #211
11/13 ExCoKo #212
11/14 ExCoKo #213
11/15 ExCoKo #214
11/18 ExCoKo #215
11/19 ExCoKo #216
11/20 ExCoKo #217
11/21 ExCoKo #218
11/22 ExCoKo #219
11/25 ExCoKo #220
11/26 ExCoKo #221
11/27 ExCoKo #222
11/28 ExCoKo #223
11/29 ExCoKo #224
12/02 ExCoKo #225
12/03 ExCoKo #226
12/04 ExCoKo #227
12/05 ExCoKo #228
12/06 ExCoKo #229
12/09 ExCoKo #230
Monday, November 25, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #220 "Haruna-san 26"
(Story Arc: Haruna story arc)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

I couldn't think of a technical (psychological) term for "subsitution love"... Hmmm... The conversation should have gone like this: "I don't think that is called LOVE." "It is ............." I'm sure someone at the forum knows it. Feel the power of the internet :)