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01/02 ExCoKo #248
Thursday, December 19, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #238 "Haruna-san 44"
(Story Arc: Haruna story arc)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

I'll use all my technique and knowledge I've learned so far to draw the last scenes of Haruna-san story arc. Since I have three days weekend (10/23 Mon is day off), I have extra time to work on the strips too. I want to see how much I can do...

Today, I exprimented on drawing trees. I hope you can see that those things on the first panel are trees. I wanted to express the early morning feeling, but I'm not sure how well I did...

The second experiments were long shot and close shot of characters I did for Onii-chan and Haruna-san. This gives interesting effect, and I really liked it. I might use this more often. I almost forgot... Here are translation of Haruna's speech.

  • Anatani iwanaito ikenaikotoga aruno...
    There is something I need to tell you...
  • Watashi...
  • Kokoronosokokara Maorusanwo aishiteimashita. I loved Mamoru-san with all my heart.