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Tuesday, November 11, 2003
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Experimental Comic Kotone #359 "Thanksgiving Break 16"
(Story Arc: Thanksgiving Break)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

There are six major parties in Japanese government. I'll write short description and how they did in this year's "shuugiin" election. I am liberal, so decriptions are rather biased ^^;

    Ž©?R?????} (Jiyuu Minshu Tou)
    The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan
    247231The major ruling party of Japan since WWII. It's very conservative, likes to help (rice) farmers with TAX MONEY and construct un-necessary roads, bridges, buildings at inconvinient locations with TAX MONEY, and their leaders like to visit to "Yasukuni Jinja" to aggitate neighboring countries. It's leader, Koizumi (prime minister) promises the "reform" of government, but nothing has happened in two years. Koizumi doesn't do anything, but he's a very good performer, and a lot of people got tricked by that. Close to 100% of conservative country people vote for this party.
    ?????} (Minshu Tou)
    The Democratic Party of Japan
    137172It's becoming the second party of Japan (which is good), but still a lot of Japanese people prefer "stable/only one" government. "Minshu Tou" is more liberal and presented new interesting proposals through their manifesto, but people think they are just a showoff. Most voters think "Japan needs a reform, right now!", but they vote for "conservative" party. I don't know why that happens ^^; A lot of city people (salaryman like me) vote for this party.
    ?????} (Koumei Tou)
    New Koumei?
    3133The religious party of "Souka gakkai (Nichiren/Budhism)". I'm scared of this party, since I was educated in US (which prohibits involvement of religion and government). "Koumei Tou"'s power is getting bigger and bigger. "Jiyuu Minshu Tou" formed a coalition government with "Koumei Tou" and "Hoshu Shin Tou". Very religious people vote for this party.
    ???Y?} (Kyousan Tou)
    Japanese Communist Party
    207There is a communist party in Japan. They are losing power year by year. A lot of school teachers and (commoner) doctors vote for this party.
    ?????V?} (Hoshu Shin Tou)
    New Conservative Party
    94"Jiyuu Minshu Tou", "Koumei Tou", and this "Hoshu Shin Tou" form a coalition government. Since "Hoshu Shin Tou" lost so many seats in this election, they decided to merge into "Jiyuu Minshu Tou" today. A coalition government has majority of seats (268/480) in "shuugiin" house. Government can pass any laws without problem, but still no "reform" has happened yet.
    ŽÐ???????} (Shakai Minsyu Tou)
    Social Democratic Party
    183They are losing power year by year. A lot of votes for "Kyousan Tou" and "Shakai Minsyu Tou" moved to "Minshu Tou" in this election.
    ?????? (etc)
    No Party
    1313They got elected without any help from the parties, but usually they will join "jiyuuminsyutou after they get elected.
    Please write your comment or suggestion to this comic strip at pOnju forum.