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11/27 ExCoKo #371
11/28 ExCoKo #372
12/01 ExCoKo #373
12/02 ExCoKo #374
12/03 ExCoKo #375
12/04 ExCoKo #376
12/05 ExCoKo #377
12/08 ExCoKo #378
12/09 ExCoKo #379
12/16 ExCoKo #380
01/05 ExCoKo #381
01/06 ExCoKo #382
01/07 ExCoKo #383
01/08 ExCoKo #384
01/09 ExCoKo #385
01/12 ExCoKo #386
01/13 ExCoKo #387
01/14 ExCoKo #388
01/15 ExCoKo #389
01/16 ExCoKo #390
01/19 ExCoKo #391
Monday, January 5, 2004
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Experimental Comic Kotone #381 "Professor's Packages 1"
(Story Arc: Professor's Packages)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

I had a nice long break since December 19th, 2003. I finally recoved from cold and I'm motivated enough to draw comic strips again. I want to say "Thank you" to those who wrote me well-wishes. Sorry I couldn't reply. I was too busy/tired/sick to do anything. I'll work harder and try to catch up from today on!

I think I really needed that two week break. I was tired from everything... from too much work, from sickness, from my sucky right ear, from my art, from my story telling, from my busy schedule, on and on... It's true that you get depressed easily when you are sick. Anyway, I will try not to procrastinate and sleep at least 6 hours a day. I don't want to be sick again... ^^;

Please write your comment or suggestion to this comic strip at pOnju forum.