| "Yotsubato Flash" by Totaku (2005-11-17) |
The pressure at school has been getting to me, cause right now I'm feeling sick.....
Anyways, I guess I'll present to you a flash someone did that I cannot help but laugh at due to it's silliness.
The Yostubato Azumanga parody flash
Pretty much it's a flash that parodies Azumanga by useing characters from Yotsubato. If you've read Mr. Azuman's comic you'll find it pretty funny, if you haven't you probalby still find it funny. XD
Oh and be sure to look at it a few times...Cause some sences change (incluing guest apperance from Azumanga characters) ^^ So be sure to take a looky and enjoy. ^^
Ja matta. ^_^