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02/20 ExCoKo #443
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
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Experimental Comic Kotone #433 "Laika 1"
(Story Arc: Laika story arc)

Comic Strip

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"Laika 1" by Akira

Nothing happen in this comic strip, but it's the first step (toward the end). Starting a new story arc always takes more guts and energy than drawing usual one paged comic strips. But I've already uploaded this page. There is no way to back down from the stage anymore. I'll do my best to finish Laika's story arc no matter what, even if I still can't figure the correct path yet.

I'll be drawing Laika's arc in a typical comic strip style (longer length than width). I think I can express more details with manga page style.

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

Thursday, January 19, 2006
"Looking into an OS-kun with a strange life" by Totaku

Since I'm offically back in service, I though I might as well kick it off by introducing you to an interesting character I've been looking over for the past few months. I'm pretty sure you all know about OS-tan esecially since AKira made a rant about OS-tans back a while ago, but I felt that maybe this time around that I would like to focus on a more interesting OS character...

The OS character I wanted to pay attention to is an OS-kun that has been rising in popularity over the past few months. He is known as Homeo (also can be define as XPHome-kun), he's the sister of Homeko (also known as XP Home-tan) Origianlly XP-home tan was not widly known as most of the other tans until sometime last year when a "Toshiaki" (the anonymous ID given to those at 2ch) decided to do an interesting comic series. While the comic doesn't have a known comic, it can be reffered to the Homeo and Homeko comic series. The comic series itself is a 4 page Koma series that looks into the lives of Homeo and Homeko.

Homeo is pretty much presented a cute young green haired boy (in a way he sort of looks like a mix of Kanarina (Rozen Madiens) and Alex (from here of course) put together. Homeo is sort of strange in terms that he spends alot of his time dreaming of becoming a girl as well as being with his sister, Homeko (sort of a strange sibling complex).

Homeko on the other hand is the H-minded older sister of Homeo who is pretty obsessed with drawing up H material (eseailly the yaoi type material.). She also is interested in turning her brother Homeo into a yaoi fan. However, it sort of gets complecated.

The comic itself doesn't all connect but it's sort of alot of goofy situations, and in fact some of these situations....have sort had an impact on the view of some of the OS-tan...mainly on 98-tan(beware of untold secrets) and 98SE-tan(beware of her bottle cap opener). I belive the impact the comic had on both 98 tans have almost gone by (except 98SE-tans).

Anyways as for the comic, is probaby at best describe weird, funny, and definely worth looking into if your into OS-tan and you want to see a unique twist in the life of an OS-tan.

Homeo and Homeko comic Warning: content varies borderline PG-13 to 16+ Note: Hopefully if you all can see this since sometimes certain IP don't always work.

This cover it my rant for now...till next time...
Ja Matta ^_^