| "Miscellaneous" by Konstantin (2006-06-27) |
One of these days I should read up on the upcoming season, but I've been slacking off so far. I blame
ShinMegaTen 3 and the current season, which continues to be Awesome.
And speaking of awesome, episode 12 of Haruhi is the single most totally sweet half-hour of animation I've seen in at least the last couple of years. Its awesomeness surpasses even this. I was really wondering how the show could possibly live up to all the hype it generated, but the last three episodes have made a believer of me. Legendary indeed. All hail Haruhi!
In other awesome news, it looks like the No Name Losers have actually done it and finished their full translation of Wind - A Breath of Heart. I liked the anime, so I've been looking forward to the translation patch of the game for quite a while. In less awesome news, the reaction to their distribution method has generated a depressing amount of internet drama. While personally I thought their requirements were rather draconian (and briefly turned to ridiculous until cooler heads prevailed), I don't think anything they said or did warranted five /a/ threads' worth of backlash. Just hope that all this online asshattery won't drive them to shelving the patch or leaving the translation scene altogether. It takes a rare amount of dedication to put 1000 hours into localizing an erogame, and it's sad seeing that triumph get crushed by the blind wrath of Anonymous. At any rate I've ordered my copy and am keeping my fingers crossed; however it turns out, NNL has managed to directly cause at least one sale.