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11/29 ExCoKo #505
12/01 ExCoKo #506
12/18 ExCoKo #507
12/25 ExCoKo #508
01/24 ExCoKo #509
02/12 ExCoKo #510
03/08 ExCoKo #511
06/25 ExCoKo #512
06/26 ExCoKo #513
06/27 ExCoKo #514
08/23 ExCoKo #515
08/24 ExCoKo #516
08/25 ExCoKo #517
08/26 ExCoKo #518
08/27 ExCoKo #519
08/30 ExCoKo #520
08/31 ExCoKo #521
09/01 ExCoKo #522
09/02 ExCoKo #523
09/03 ExCoKo #524
09/06 ExCoKo #525
Monday, August 23, 2010
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Experimental Comic Kotone #515 "Professor's Package Again"
(Story Arc: Drawing Manga)

Comic Strip

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"Drawing Again" by Akira

Hello, long time no see. It's been a year since I updated the website. Sorry for a long hiatus (again). Workload at my workplace has decreased a bit, so I thought maybe I should start drawing again. I truly hope workload doesn't increase too much and can continue drawing comic strips.

It's little difficult to continue from the middle of the story arc, so I thought doing a mini ExCoKo side-story arc was better idea. I used a ?hfour-frame comic strip?h style since it requires less effort and time than drawing a manga style frame. Also each frame is big, I can do detailed drawings.