| "Annoying Character" by Akira (2010-09-14) |
Good thing Onii-chan shut him out. It'll be really annoying to see him again.
Even though this page was simple layout (I copied and pasted third panel), it took me a while to complete.
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| "Looking into Touhou with detail - Misty Lake" by Totaku (2010-09-14) |
Today, we will cover the Misty Lake, a large lake located further within Gensokyo
The Misty Lake
The Misty lake, is a large lake located around a deep forest within Gensokyo. The lake itself spans out a large distance and is vast in size, mostly it's peaceful, and the most likely thing you'll likely find here are faries, and they are mostly trouble makers more than anything else.
Within the lake itself located over to the other side of the lake, that island is the home of what is The Scarlet Devil Mansion. Home of the Scarlet Devil Mansion Crew from EoSD and a popular area that would serve in many plots later...
Anyways, as of this point, we mainly know that while faries roam around Misty lake, the one fairy that one should be more careful to meet is Cirno this is where she tend to take residence. Making her home in a little ice igloo located near the lake. Of course like I mention, she spend her time freeze frogs and the lake for fun. But otherwise, this us a relaxing location as long as your not worried about being bother by stupid ice faires and maybe the occasional youkai.
Next time we will cover the big location that plays a core plot in EoSD....The Scarlet Devil Mansion itself!
Till Next time!