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11/27 LovSit #1
11/28 LovSit #2
11/30 LovSit #3
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12/12 LovSit #8
12/14 LovSit #9
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12/21 LovSit #12
03/19 LovSit #13
03/21 LovSit #14
Friday, December 2, 2005
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Love Situations #4 "Su-Cool 4"
(Story Arc: Su-Cool)

Comic Strip

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"Su-Cool 4" by Akira

This time I tried using colored background. I'm still bad at it... This type of background is used when you don't want to draw detailed background image. Hmm.. the effect doesn't fit well with other pages. I might take out colored background...

The third rule of "Su-Cool" is:

  • She is always cool and calm. Very unlikely for her to become emotional.
It partially overlaps with the first rule which says "she never shows expressions", but I guess this rule means she never gets angry, sad, or jealousy either. "Mmm.. become a good Jedi knight, she will" - once said Master Yoda.

I bet Saki was born in a family which strictly practices ancient sword techniques. Her father is like Master Yoda who teaches Saki to control her emotions always. That's explain why Saki's acting so cool so far. By the way, I just came up with her setting right at this moment while I was writing this rants. So please don't take it too seriously. ^_^;

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

Saturday, December 3, 2005
"Saturday Night Rant #3" by Akira

I bought a ton of comics this week. These comics are strictly "references" for my webcomic and not for my hobby (yeah right -_-;).

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