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Sunday, December 4, 2005
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Love Situations #5 "Su-Cool 5"
(Story Arc: Su-Cool)

Comic Strip

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"Su-Cool 5" by Akira

I think I colored this page better than other pages, especially the first panel (although.., I need MORE practice). It seems like faint/mild colors go well with a pencil rough sketch. I think most people know, but I'm not good at coloring at all. I'm getting a lot of coloring practice through this mini series.

The fourth rule of "Su-Cool" is:

  • She's a stand alone (not dependent on others).
If Kei were to say "No" to her confession, Saki would just say, "I understand. I'm very disappointed, but if that's what you want, I'll accept. Good bye," and walked away. Hmm... I like a girl like Saki :) She's cool.

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