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11/27 LovSit #1
11/28 LovSit #2
11/30 LovSit #3
12/02 LovSit #4
12/04 LovSit #5
12/07 LovSit #6
12/09 LovSit #7
12/12 LovSit #8
12/14 LovSit #9
12/16 LovSit #10
12/19 LovSit #11
12/21 LovSit #12
03/19 LovSit #13
03/21 LovSit #14
03/23 LovSit #15
03/26 LovSit #16
Wednesday, December 7, 2005
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Love Situations #6 "Su-Cool 6"
(Story Arc: Su-Cool)

Comic Strip

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"Su-Cool 6" by Akira

The fifth and the most important rule of "Su-Cool"is:

  • She is totally/truely in love you.
She truely loves you, but she's cool about it. This mixture of totally opposite "cool" and "love" makes a "Su-Cool" character so interesting (just like a composite magic of 'ice' and 'fire').

To summarize all of "Su-Cool" rules:

  1. She never blushes (or shows expressions) even during the love confession.
  2. She expresses her love very straightforwardly (honestly).
  3. She is always cool and calm. Very unlikely for her to become emotional.
  4. She's a stand alone (not dependent on others).
  5. She is totally/madly in love you.

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

Thursday, December 8, 2005
"The dreaded finals and " by Totaku

For those who wonder what I've been up to right now, I'm in the middle of a very deadly finals session right now. x_X So I can't do my usual rants for right now. x_X

So instead I decided I show off something quick.

old Red and White flashes

If my memory serves me right, it's almost time for 2005's Red and White Flash competition. Red and white is a battle where many flash artist get together and develop a series of flashes in the competion. Flash artists are put on two sides, Red or White. And the team that makes the best and most cerative flash will win the competition.

Just go click on some links and tell me what you think of some of the them.

Feel free to post your faves on the Forum if you like.

Until next time.
Ja Matta ^_^