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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
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Love Situations #20 "Osananajimi 8"
(Story Arc: Osananajimi)

Comic Strip

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"Osananajimi 8" by Akira

  • Eight pages have passed, but still story hasn't started rolling (no problem has occured) yet... Hopefully story will get interesting from next week. As you can tell, I'm not good at doing a long story arc. I draw page by page and that makes story pacing awkward sometimes. I still have no clue how long this story will be yet. I'm expecting it to be 20+ pages long, but you never know...

  • I really messed up in the second panel. Position of Mai and Kenji should be switched to keep consistency with other panels. But I was too lazy to fix it. When you realize there are mistakes after clearning up rough sketches, you don't feel like erasing+drawing them again. This position change occurs very often. I wonder if readers are picky about these types of mistake. I hope they are not ^_^;

  • I'll fix Kenji's eyes in the last panel later. He looks rather strange...

  • Right now, it's 4/12 11:00 am in Japan. People can't access pOnju forum because of the "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded"... I wonder if everything is going okay... I once saw 50-60 guests in Tsunami Channel forum before (like month ago). Maybe there are automated robots which can access any pOnju forums, and they are causing this "Bandwith Limit Exceeded" problem...? In any case, I miss the forum already...

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