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Thursday, June 28, 2007
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Love Situations #73 "Tsundere 0"
(Story Arc: Tsundere)

Comic Strip

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"Tsundere 0" by Akira

  • About This Page - It's a title page. I forgot to do the title page last time in Osananajimi stoy arc, so I made sure I add it this time. Also I didn't have too much time today (also I'm way behind he schedule), so doing a simple illustration helped me greatly. Although, it still took more than an hour to complete...

  • About Her - I haven't decided the heroine's name yet. I should do it pretty soon, since the series is starting from tomorrow... I'm very lousy when it comes to character's names. I usually decide their names by flipping through a magazine. I think I'll do that tonight.

  • About Her Design - I have problem keeping the character design intact throughout the series. In both lovesit story arcs, characters kept changing (example: length of their hairs, thickness of eyebrows, etc)... -_-; I drew today's illustration to make sure I don't forget her design later.

  • Drawing Style - I'm changing a drawing style for this story arc by copying referencing my favorite comic artist's style. As you can see, her eyes are little scary (?) compared to my characters (Kotone, Mai, etc). Also shading is bit different from my usual style.

  • About Her Unifom - I decided to go with this strange school uniform. It took me a while to come up with this, but I think I like it. I didn't planned out anything for Osananajimi story arc (both character and uniform designs). I learned my lesson, so I made sure I don't decide important things while I work on the comic strips.

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