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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
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Love Situations #131 "Tsundere 58"
(Story Arc: Tsundere)

Comic Strip

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"Tsundere 58" by Akira

I feel sorry for Rin, but she'll be tortured little bit more. She'll be facing her worst day soon :) I tend to make my characters suffer a lot. I don't want to admit, but maybe I'm enjoying torturing my characters.

I enjoy drawing Hina. She's such a nice and easy character to draw. Currently Rin's eyes are getting softer (meaning getting cute/kind) as story progressed. Because of that, it getting difficult to tell which is Hina or Rin ^_^; They do look a like since they are sisters. But I need to admit, I'm still not good at differentiating multiple characters...

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

Interesting Links
  • Meikai YuGiOh - Hakaba Kitarou OP with "YuGiOh".

  • IOSYS: You Should Drink Cucumber Flavored Beer! - A video made by IOSYS back before they relased the CD at Comiket 73. In the end result, we have an extremly cute flash video featuring Nitori the extremly cute Kappa. Definetely worth it for the cuteness level.

  • IOSYS: Power of Dream - ANother video by IOSYS that came before the release of of the album back in Comiket 73. Mainly focuses on Marisa's boss theme song from Inperishable Night. It's more of a simple visiual fest over anything else. But still neat

  • IOSYS: Kore ha Kimochi no Ii Ke Ne? - The third and last piece that was from the IOSYS site for the thier new CD. This one feature Keine. This one is strangly interesting even considering the fact she s being labeled as creppy (since some might find a Hakutaku to be scary). Cute and interesiting is the best way I can describe it.

Thursday, January 31, 2008
"Art Illustration: Touhou: Keine Kamishirasawa (Hakutaku form)" by Totaku

Well hearing the news that Akira added a feature that would allow me to post an image has me quite excited. So I thought this would be a good time to take advantage of this feature some drawing excersices I do at times. To see what the community thinks about them.

So anyways, I'm going to kick it off an illustration I did just recently. Today, I'm going to present a Touhou charater ( as usual...) so I decided that I would show you this Illustration of Keine from the Imperishable Night chapter of the game series. The reason behind why I'm doing these drawing right now is to excersise my drawing skills as well as improve me drawing speed. For now all I can say is this took way too long. Probably due to the amount of work that went into it. Roughly about 10-12 days as far as I can remember. I think part of it is due to the massive amount of design work goes into the dress, but at the same time it's also due to the fact that I don't use lines to make lines, but rather vectors since I have better control over the line variation and being able to make shape clean points. Plus the amount of editing I went through to make her more natural also took it's toll on the time. So yeah, this ate up way too much time. >_<

Anyways just to hit the brife points for anyone not familar with her. Keine is a human who lives within the human village of Gensokyo who works as a protector and a history teacher within the human village. She possesses the unique ability to control history to an extent. In her human state she can only seal it. But in her Hakutaku state she can create or destroy it. But it's important to know that this ability is not entirely absolute as she can only control the history that she creates or is invovled in, and she cannot control or create, brake the history that is made by another person. It's also important to know she only becomes a Hakutaku under the full moon, which is when her horns and tail are exposed like in the illustration, otherwise she mostly human every other time. Other than that, she is the 3rd stage boss in Imperishable Night series. In most doujins, she is often protrayed as probably the most normal out of all the Touhou cast members as she mainly socialized with other human charaters and has a unique relationship with Mokou. On a fan based scale, mainly fans love to joke around calling Keine a "cow" because of horns she has in her Hakutaku form. This lead to many fans giving her a larger chest than most Touhou charaters for obvious reasons...

Anyways, I guess you can say that since I see Keine as a teacher and large chested based on some of the concepts I've learned I also made her look a bit more older and possibly mature. ^^;; Funny though when I look at her, I see this hint of Laika to an extent. XP But that's probably just me. Anyways, I'm going to end it here. Feel free to talk about my drawing in the rant if you wish.... Otherwise I'll toss a few videos as usual. ^^
Till Next time.
Ja Matta. ^_^

Interesting Links

Friday, February 1, 2008
Interesting Links
  • Toaru Majyutsu no Index OP - A fan-made OP of a light novel series "Toaru majyutsu no Index". I just finished the first volume and thought it was quite good. I haven't heard of any news about this becoming anime, but maybe in near future, it might happen.

Sunday, February 3, 2008
Interesting Links

Monday, February 4, 2008
"Monday and Tuesday, Very Busy" by Akira

I'm pretty busy this week, but I'll resume comic strips on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Timp has colored uncolored pages (page7-12) of Su-Cool. Pages are extremely well colored. I have to admit, Timp colors much much better than me :) I especially love the color of the sky, for example. Thank you, Timp-san.

I wrote "comic.php" page which can show multiple comic strips at once. It'll be useful when readers want to follow a long story arc without flipping through multiple pages. Maybe I should list up story arcs (like "Laika Story Arc" or "Tsundere Story Arc"), so it becomes easier to access this page. If you have any suggestion, please let me know.

I assume I was very tired. I couldn' wake up to work on the comic strip. Update will be little late again... Sorry.

Interesting Links