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02/16 LovSit #141
02/23 LovSit #142
02/24 LovSit #143
Friday, February 15, 2008
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Love Situations #133 "Tsundere 60"
(Story Arc: Tsundere)

Comic Strip

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"Tsundere 60" by Akira

Finally I was able to pull myself and start drawing again. Up and down (of my motivation) is getting worse these days. I'm really amazed I was drawing five comic strips per week years ago. It's sometimes difficult to maintain motivation for long time... (I haven't recovered enough to add screen tones yet -_-;)

I'll focus on the Hamthology, so the update will be less frequent from. I'll try to draw at least one comic strip per week. Story is getting to the climax and I'm little sad I can't focus on the LovSit (because of my poor time management)-_-;

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

Interesting Links

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Interesting Links

Sunday, February 17, 2008
"Mizuki character design" by Akira

Last night, I sketched out a new character "Mizuki" for future (6th) LovSit comic arc. I drew better than expected, so I colored it for fun. She looks cute, but she kind of reminds me of Kotone. Actually she looks like a cross-dressed Alex -_-; Sigh... This is the limit of my drawing capability.

I do need to create a detailed character design sheet before I start a new story arc, because I have a tendency to alter character designs as story progresses (especially Rin) ^_^;

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

Interesting Links
  • Satoshi no Jikan - Pokemon x Kodomo no jikan ending. Pokemon are cute.

  • Higurashi Sukekomashi-hen - It seems like fans made a hand-drawn (colored) animation from Higurashi CD drama. It's a story about Keiichi-kun becoming a womanizer in Higurashi world.

    Original: Part1, Part2, Part3. Part4.

    There is no translation (subtitles), but since story is simple, anime fans should be able to guess what's going on.

Monday, February 18, 2008
Interesting Links

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Interesting Links