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02/26 LovSit #144
03/02 LovSit #145
03/04 LovSit #146
03/05 LovSit #147
03/09 LovSit #148
03/10 LovSit #149
03/16 LovSit #150
03/17 LovSit #151
03/22 LovSit #152
04/08 LovSit #153
Monday, March 9, 2009
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Love Situations #148 "Tsundere 75"
(Story Arc: Tsundere)

Comic Strip

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"Tsundere 75" by Akira

Drawing many extras took time. I'm tired, but this party scene will continue for a while... Sigh... Even though I spent quite a lot of time, story didn't proceed much.

By the way, this page is inked. It looks like a pencil drawing, but it's inked (like I explained in the last comic strip).

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