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Comic Strips
06/07 MaMi #1
06/10 MaMi #2
06/11 MaMi #3
06/12 MaMi #4
06/13 MaMi #5
06/14 MaMi #6
06/17 MaMi #7
06/18 MaMi #8
06/19 MaMi #9
06/20 MaMi #10
06/21 MaMi #11
Friday, June 7, 2002
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Magical Mina #1 "Magical Girl 1"
(Story Arc: Magical Girl)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

As I said in the forum, I'll be working on "Magical Mina (Magical Project H)" for a while. "Experimental Comic Kotone" will be on hold for about three weeks. For those people who love "ExCoKo", don't panic and please bear with me. "ExCoKo" and "Mina" worlds are very closely related. It happens in Pittsburgh and both main characters' lives are messed up by Professor Hasegawa. I think "Magical Mina" will be very interesting. I am planning to alternate between two comics. It will be helpful since if I run out of ideas for one comic, I can draw another.