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Comic Strips
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
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Program #1 "Line Connection Test"

Comic Strip

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"Line Connection Test" by Akira

I know people are waiting for the comic strips, but I don't think there will be any strips for a while. I've been working on Java programs for a couple of months. I love to program (maybe more than drawing). Some old readers of "Tsunami Channel" know this, but I started "Tsunami Channel" as JavaScript site. I drew comic strips just to attract more readers (and it did pretty well). Since a lot of people liked my comics, I focused on drawing comic strips rather than working on my game engine for years.

But last year, I really got tired of drawing comic strips. I was very busy with my daily job (had to work more than 12 hours a day everyday). And on top of it, all the mess with "Tsunami Channel" site really got me frausted, angry, and empty. I felt like all the hard works I have been doing was a total waste. I wanted to spend more time for my self, on what I wanted to do for years... which is to program.

I know most people are not interested in programs, but programming is what I really want to do. I'll update programs instead of updating comic strips for coming months starting today. My goal is to be able to draw comic strips with my own Java program.

Today's program tests if two lines are connected or not. It turns red if they do.