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Sunday, March 23, 2003
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Romy Weekend Illustration #72 "Illustration #72"

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Romy

Hmm, I had this weird idea of a character setting up a webcam in her room. We see her daily life through the webcam. The camera is not for the hentais, but for what..? She does not disclose the images on the web publicly.

I will try to ?update" the webcam image whenever I get an idea. Hope you enjoy it.

Sorry that her rear is showing?I intended to draw her desktop with her computer and stuff, but then got to lazy to draw them all. Maybe some other time. So imagine that she's setting up a webcam at the top of her computer monitor. She's putting her one leg on a workchair. There! You're testing your imagination. Do you see the picture now?