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Comic Strips
03/23 Romy #72
04/13 Romy #78
04/19 Romy #79
04/20 Romy #80
04/26 Romy #81
04/27 Romy #82
05/03 Romy #83
05/04 Romy #75
05/10 Romy #76
05/11 Romy #77
08/17 Romy #84
08/24 Romy #86
08/31 Romy #85
09/07 Romy #89
09/14 Romy #90
09/21 Romy #91
09/28 Romy #87
10/05 Romy #88
10/12 Romy #95
10/19 Romy #96
10/26 Romy #97
Sunday, August 17, 2003
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Romy Weekend Illustration #84 "Illustration #84"

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Romy

Hello again, everyone. It's been a while. Hope you've been enjoying all the guest comic strips.

I have made my comeback, as you can see. I've read some comments on the forum that people wanted to keep the weekend guest comic strips permanent. So I hesitated a bit, pondering whether it was right for me to be back. But then again, my brother encouraged me again (thanks!) to keep on drawing.

You can always submit your guest comic strip to Akira. He appreciates all the fan works and would put them up when he needs to take a time off.