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11/15 Parody #2
11/16 ExCoKo #36
11/17 ExCoKo #37
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11/21 ExCoKo #39
11/22 ExCoKo #40
Thursday, November 8, 2001
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Experimental Comic Kotone #31 "More Extensions"
(Story Arc: Kotone's Power)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Just wanted to draw cute cat form of Kotone. Kotone is SO cute, isn't it? It seems like Onii-chan like cat girl a lot. He liked that Cat-Maid outfit too. It will be interesting how Onii-chan will react to Anya, the cat girl, when she comes in. Since Kotone looks very similar to Anya when she wears those extensions, you won't see Kotone in this outfit so much.