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04/30 ExCoKo #136
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05/08 ExCoKo #142
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05/13 ExCoKo #145
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05/20 ExCoKo #150
05/21 ExCoKo #151
05/22 Parody #8
05/23 ExCoKo #152
05/24 ExCoKo #153
05/27 ExCoKo #154
Monday, May 13, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #145 "Laika's Flashback 16"
(Story Arc: Laika's Past)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

A long flahback is finally over. Hope you notice Onii-chan doesn't call her "Laika-san" anymore.

Yey, I am advertising Carnegie Mellon University! I hope more people apply to this great nerd university (and hope they will join anime club "Vermillion"). I want more girls to enroll to this university becuse ratio of male to female is something like 7:3...