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09/06 MaMi #39
09/07 Romy #19
09/08 Romy #18
09/09 ExCoKo #180
09/10 MaMi #40
09/11 ExCoKo #181
09/12 MaMi #41
09/13 ExCoKo #182
09/14 Romy #20
09/15 Romy #21
09/16 MaMi #42
09/17 ExCoKo #183
09/18 MaMi #43
09/19 ExCoKo #184
09/20 MaMi #44
09/21 Romy #22
09/22 Romy #23
09/23 ExCoKo #185
09/24 ExCoKo #186
09/25 ExCoKo #187
09/26 ExCoKo #188
Monday, September 16, 2002
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Magical Mina #42 "So Not Magical Girl"

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

I need to finish up "Magical Mina" filler strips before I concentrate fully on "Experimental Comic Kotone" story arc. This week, Mon-Wed-Fri will be "Mina" and Tue-Thu will be "ExCoKo". Since I'm behind schedule,

One thing I don't understand is, magical girls don't take advantage of their magics. If I have magic, I'll use them on every occasion (like Mina). For some reason, magical girls restrict their use of magics.