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Comic Strips
05/01 ExCoKo #276
05/02 ExCoKo #277
05/03 Romy #83
05/04 Romy #75
05/05 Parody #17
05/06 ExCoKo #278
05/07 ExCoKo #279
05/08 ExCoKo #280
05/09 Parody #18
05/10 Romy #76
05/11 Romy #77
05/12 ExCoKo #281
05/13 ExCoKo #282
05/14 ExCoKo #283
05/15 ExCoKo #284
05/16 ExCoKo #285
05/17 Guest #26
05/17 Guest #25
05/18 Guest #27
05/19 ExCoKo #286
05/20 ExCoKo #287
Sunday, May 11, 2003
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Romy Weekend Illustration #77 "Illustration #77"

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Romy

Well, so here it is: a bishie.

Please try to imagine him leaning against a tree or wall so that his leg is bent. I didn't have the time to draw the background. Sorry, it's always like this?^_^;

Hmm, it's already Sunday night over here in Japan. I still have things unfinished that needs to be done ASAP. Ugh?somebody rewind my time please! Haha?