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Saturday, October 2, 2010
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Romy Weekend Illustration #114 "Machiko Sakuragi rough sketch"
(Story Arc: Romy's Weekend Illustrations)

Comic Strip

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"Machiko Sakuragi rough sketch" by Romy

Hi Tsu-Chan fans,

This is a rough sketch of a character I named Machiko Sakuragi?i???????q?j. I'll try to finish this up and hopefully upload tomorrow so that you'll see the completed version.

Actually, this character is inspired by a local station in Yokohama called Sakuragicho?i???????j. You could call this the "personification" of a railway station! The shows with characters who personify countries or subway lines are made into anime nowadays, with the most notorious one being Hetalia.

So I was thinking it might be a good training for me to design a character who symbolizes some place or perhaps some other things.

In fact, Sakuragicho is one of the first railway stations in Japan, when a railroad for locomotives was first constructed back in the Meiji Era, connecting Yokohama and Tokyo. I think Shinagawa was the other end of the line.

So that's why the girl is dressed in a skirt-like hakama, a typical female student outfit back in the days. (There's a well known manga with the heroine dressed in hakama, called "Haikara-san ga Toru [There goes High-Collar-san]" which I really like.)

Hope you enjoy this illustration.
