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12/14 ExCoKo #53
12/17 ExCoKo #54
12/18 ExCoKo #55
12/19 Parody #6
12/20 Parody #7
12/21 ExCoKo #56
12/31 ExCoKo #57
01/01 ExCoKo #58
01/02 ExCoKo #59
01/03 ExCoKo #60
01/04 ExCoKo #61
01/07 ExCoKo #62
01/08 ExCoKo #63
01/09 ExCoKo #64
01/10 ExCoKo #65
01/11 ExCoKo #66
01/14 ExCoKo #67
01/15 ExCoKo #68
01/16 ExCoKo #69
01/17 ExCoKo #70
01/23 ExCoKo #71
Friday, January 4, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #61 "Konstantin's Date 4"
(Story Arc: Konstantin's Date)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

"Cosplay" is a shorten word for "Costume Play". In Japan (I assume in Akihabara), there is a restaurant where all waiters and waitresses are dressed up as anime characters. I'm not that fascinated by "Cosplay" much... I rather go to "Manga Kissa (Manga Cafe)" where you can read as much mangas as you want by buying a coffee (need to pay extension fees for extra hours)...

I really had fun time drawing anime characters. It is really a good practice. I need to do this more often.