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05/10 ExCoKo #144
05/13 ExCoKo #145
05/14 ExCoKo #146
05/15 ExCoKo #147
05/16 ExCoKo #148
05/17 ExCoKo #149
05/20 ExCoKo #150
05/21 ExCoKo #151
05/22 Parody #8
05/23 ExCoKo #152
05/24 ExCoKo #153
05/27 ExCoKo #154
05/28 ExCoKo #155
05/29 Parody #9
05/30 ExCoKo #156
05/31 ExCoKo #157
06/03 ExCoKo #158
06/04 ExCoKo #159
06/05 Parody #10
06/06 ExCoKo #160
06/07 MaMi #1
Friday, May 24, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #153 "Lisa's Fashion"
(Story Arc: Fashion Series)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Lisa is very smart, but it seems like her mind hasn't grown up yet. She gets easily upset like today's comic strip. Lisa still in love with Laika, but she is also little bit interested in Onii-chan too (Of course, she will deny that fact). When I draw this comic, Lisa's action reminded me of Asuka from Evangelion (Some people pointed out she is acting like Skuld from "Ah My Goddess" too). Lisa acts like she's a grown up, but her actions are quite childish (other example: when she disguised as Kotone)... Kotone, on other hand, her action and her mind are still very childish (maybe too much?). I wonder if Kotone and Lisa can be good friends...