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07/03 ExCoKo #161
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07/09 ExCoKo #165
07/10 ExCoKo #166
Thursday, May 30, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #156 "A Bad Joke"
(Story Arc: Laika's Past)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Haruna Translation:

  • Haruna: Ah.. Okao ni sauce ga...
  • There is a sauce on your face...
  • Haruna: Enryo nasaranai de.
  • Don't be shy...
  • Haruna: Gomen nasai...
  • I'm sorry...
Laika was extremely evil in this comic strip. It wasn't a good joke at all. Or was it a joke?

I thought of putting this comic strip as the end of "Laika's story arc", but I decided not to. I thought it was better to put a couple of strips between her arc and this comic strip. It's interesting to see how Laika has changed since the beginning of her story arc.