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12/19 ExCoKo #238
12/20 ExCoKo #239
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12/24 ExCoKo #241
12/25 ExCoKo #242
12/26 ExCoKo #243
12/27 ExCoKo #244
12/30 ExCoKo #245
12/31 ExCoKo #246
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01/02 ExCoKo #248
01/03 ExCoKo #249
01/06 ExCoKo #250
01/07 ExCoKo #251
01/08 ExCoKo #252
01/09 ExCoKo #253
01/10 ExCoKo #254
02/19 ExCoKo #255
02/24 ExCoKo #256
02/26 ExCoKo #257
02/28 ExCoKo #258
Thursday, January 2, 2003
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Experimental Comic Kotone #248 "Haruna-san 54"
(Story Arc: Haruna story arc)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Wow, Junichi again. I decided to add this strip when I was drawing a scene where Onii-chan and Haruna started talking again. I didn't add it just because people wanted to see Junichi again. I still can't decide if it was good thing to add this page... It explains a little bit more about Junichi. But maybe it was better to leave secret/mystery as it was...

From this conversation, Junichi either 1) was a good friend of Mamoru and still can't accept his death OR 2) had his loved one died a couple of years ago. I leave reader's imagination decide which one it is... Please don't ask me since I don't know the answer either. One more strip to go and Haruna arc is over. It was a very long road.