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Comic Strips
12/17 Akira #22
12/18 Akira #23
12/19 Akira #24
12/21 Romy #103
12/28 Romy #102
01/04 Romy #104
01/05 ExCoKo #381
01/06 ExCoKo #382
01/07 ExCoKo #383
01/08 ExCoKo #384
01/09 ExCoKo #385
01/11 Romy #105
01/12 ExCoKo #386
01/13 ExCoKo #387
01/14 ExCoKo #388
01/15 ExCoKo #389
01/16 ExCoKo #390
01/18 Romy #106
01/19 ExCoKo #391
01/20 ExCoKo #392
01/21 ExCoKo #393
Friday, January 9, 2004
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Experimental Comic Kotone #385 "Professor's Packages 5"
(Story Arc: Professor's Packages)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

I've been using VERY thick lines for this week's strips. It gives an interesting effect, but maybe I used them too much... Hmmm....

Please write your comment or suggestion to this comic strip at pOnju forum.