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Comic Strips
07/15 Akira #16
08/06 Akira #17
10/11 Akira #2
12/10 Akira #18
12/11 Akira #19
12/12 Akira #20
12/15 Akira #21
12/17 Akira #22
12/18 Akira #23
12/19 Akira #24
03/15 Akira #25
03/21 Akira #26
04/01 Akira #27
08/29 Akira #28
02/12 Akira #29
02/13 Akira #30
02/19 Akira #31
02/20 Akira #32
02/26 Akira #33
02/27 Akira #34
03/14 Akira #35
Monday, March 15, 2004
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Akira Illustration #25 "Coloring Practice"

Comic Strip

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"About Today's Illustration" by Akira

I had a busy day. I returned home around 9 pm and I have to wake up early tomorrow for a meeting too. I tried to work on the comic strip, but couldn't finish it at all... Sorry, no comic strip tonight (as usual...^^;)

This Haruna illustration is drawn in pencil and colored using Photoshop (air brush). I need to practice coloring more often. Maybe I should start doing comic strips like this.