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Friday, February 11, 2005
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Program #11 "Break Points Test"

Comic Strip

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"Break Points Test" by Akira

I'm still working on an algorithm for drawing a better curve. I know people are rather tired of watching strange curves and lines like these (and wanting to read comics instead), but these are very important experiments/tests for myself. You have to master the basics if you want to be good at something. People who can't value the basics will never accomplish anything.

If you look at drawings of good artists, you notice how beautiful each line is drawn. A collection of lines construct a drawing. If lines are crappy, an end result will also be crappy. My goal is to become a better artist. I want to draw beautiful drawings. In order to do that, I need to draw beautiful lines/curves. I'm surprised not many people appreciate these experiments/programs. It's boring. Yes, I admit that. But this is what I want to do for years. No one can stop me from becoming a better artist ;p