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Friday, October 14, 2005
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Akira Illustration #41 "Alice in Chains"

Comic Strip

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"Alice in Chains" by Akira

I was working on two-page "Yu-Gi-Oh" parody strip from yesterday, but I wasn't able to finish them on time. I'll complete them over this weekend and upload two pages on Monday. I could have just completed one of the pages, but that will surely decreases the effect of joke by 50%. In my opinion, this parody is pretty good one, and I'm very sure 80% of people will enjoy it.

Today's illustration is a girl/costume from "Alice in Chains" from a game called "Moe Com (warning 18 over)" made by "KeroQ (warning 18 over)". As you can see, I'm a big fan of illustrator SCA-ji. An illustration I did long time ago, is also an imitation of drawing done by SCA-ji.