Welcome to Tsunami Channel
Comic Strips
07/05 Akira #68
07/06 Akira #69
09/03 Akira #70
09/04 Akira #71
09/05 Akira #72
09/06 Akira #73
09/07 Akira #74
09/13 Akira #75
09/14 Akira #76
09/17 Akira #77
12/21 Akira #78
03/03 Akira #79
08/04 Akira #80
08/06 Akira #81
08/22 Akira #82
08/23 Akira #83
08/25 Akira #84
08/26 Akira #85
08/28 Akira #86
03/30 Akira #87
04/26 Akira #88
Friday, December 21, 2007
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Akira Illustration #78 "Sorry"

Comic Strip

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"Sorry" by Akira

Sunday, December 30, 2007
"New Website" by Akira

  • Moving Out - I'm moving Tsunami Channel from "fuitadnet" to a new Japanese server called "Sakura net". The loss of "CPanel" and "phpMyAdmin" without any notification from fuitadnet lost my trust greatly. Also new "WebsiteOS" and change of my root password without any notification didn't help either. I had so much trouble getting mySQL data too... It took me a whole day. Sigh... Once I move the domain name "tsunamichannelcom" to a new Sakura server, I'll say goodbye to fuitadnet once and for all. Connection is slower to US readers, but it's not too bad. I hope people will enjoy the new server.

  • New Layout - I changed the layout of the page a bit. It's much simpler and lighter than old layout. I hope people like it.

  • Star Using Toothpicks - Very nice scientific experiment.

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

Monday, December 31, 2007
Interesting Links