| "Iyasakado" by Totaku (2005-12-15) |
To all of those who were waiting for my rant yesterday, I apologize for the delay since I had ran into some problems with the computer yesterday that cause my computer to shut down every few minutes, so I had to simply wait till today for it to be fixed.
Anyways, today's rant will be on another flash site called Iyasakado. This flash site is filled with alot of interesting art pieces as well as some really cool flashes. The artist does alot of mecha style art work and the style he uses sort of makes me think of a cross between Studio Ghibli and Metal Slug put together. Alot of the stuff he makes are very uniqule animated war machinary as well as instudrail age type scenery. It's worth checking out. ^^
His flash section, Steel Fantasia is where most of his good collection of lfashes he has done. most of the flashes are nicely done and very well animated. (Don't worry you don't need to read them to understand them...well most of them at least.)
From his list, a few of my faves is This nicely animated war flick and This funny little misadventure that a mouse and dog go through with a machine company.
Anyway fill in your comments about the flashes at the forum
Until Next time...Ja Matta! ^_^