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Sunday, December 25, 2005
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Akira Illustration #53 "Coloring Practice 3"

Comic Strip

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"Coloring Practice 3" by Akira

Studying more on coloring. I really enjoy studying coloring this weekend. I think I'm getting good at it, but there is still a lot more to learn. For example, her dress looks quite bluish, but actually the base color is "grey" (look at the base color sample below). By using blue color for shading, grey base color becomes blue (@o@). Her skin color, another example, is rather pale in base color (again look at the base color sample below), but using a light vivid color for shading, her skin becomes quite lively. By mixing two unrelated colors, you get very cool effects. Coloring is very interesting.

If I use a thinner pencil (0.5->0.3) and a better paper, quality of lines will improve bit more. Drawing on a low grade printer paper is not recommended.

Pencil RoughtBase ColorColor + ShadowColor + Light