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10/15 ExCoKo #8
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10/17 ExCoKo #10
10/18 ExCoKo #11
10/19 ExCoKo #12
10/20 ExCoKo #13
10/21 ExCoKo #14
10/22 ExCoKo #15
Friday, October 12, 2001
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Experimental Comic Kotone #5 "Death Sentence"
(Story Arc: Laika)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

In either way, Onii-chan was screwed... If he said "Yes, I do want to marry Laika," he was beaten to death by Laika, "Do you think you are worth going out with ME? Who do you think you are! SLICE SLICE." If he said "No, I don't want to marry Laika," he was beaten to death by Laika, "Ha, I'm not worth it? Who do you think you are! SLICE SLICE"... Poor Onii-chan... But I thought Laika was a person who doesn't show her expression... I guess she can't tolerate any embarrassments (jokes) from anyone...