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Tuesday, August 13, 2002
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Magical Mina #33 "Wind 12"
(Story Arc: Wind)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Is Mina's last desperate attack going to succeed? Or Wind is fast enough to dodge her attack? You will find out in the next episode of "Magical Mina Z".

Hmm.. "This is the only way to win."? Mina is very stubborn. There is a lot more other ways to win. For example, retreat for now and get a shot gun from her house. I'm pretty sure WIND is not fast enough to dodge or deflect bullets. Or retreat for now and train more with her sword and shield, etc... I guess Mina doesn't like to run away.

"It can go as much as you want".., Then a phrase "It is only limited by 'visualization power' and 'magic power' was supposed to follow. Due to a limit in space, I couln't put that there. In order to elongate blade, Mina has to visualize a long sword. It is easier to visualize/concentrate thing that are close to you. Magic effect is decreased by 1/r (r = distance). Which means Mina needs to double her magic power to cut things that are twice a usual distance. If WIND is 5 meter away from her and a sword effect range is 1 meter, it means she needs 5 times more magic than usual.