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08/16 MaMi #36
08/17 Romy #15
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08/19 ExCoKo #176
08/20 MaMi #37
08/21 ExCoKo #177
08/22 MaMi #38
08/23 ExCoKo #178
08/24 Romy #8
08/25 Romy #9
08/26 Guest #2
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08/29 Guest #5
Monday, August 19, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #176 "One Nice Afternoon"

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Ah... "ExCoKo" is back. It's nice to be back to non-action comic again. I was really really exhausted from "Magical Mina" comic strips. I don't think I want to draw any more actions for a while.

As you can see from today's comic strips,I think I've improved my drawing quite a bit during "Magical Mina" strips. That's because I got to practice drawing many different body pauses with different camera angles. The last panel of today's strip, for example, this is a long camera shot of Onii-chan, Kotone, and Laika from behind. I don't think I could have drawn this shot before "Magical Mina #2". I was able to draw close ups only, but now it's not painful to draw long range shots. This is quite an achievement :)

The other benefit of drawing "Magical Mina" is... I don't get this strange urge to do action scenes anymore. I love both shounen and shoujo mangas. I love reading action mangas like "Berserk", "JoJo's Bizzare Adventure", "Dragon Ball", but I also love to read girl comics like "Akazukin ChaCha", "Please Save My Earth", "Kodomono Omocha". To satisfy my urge of doing action scenes in "ExCoKo", Laika was used to smacked Onii-chan and Konstantin with her sword a lot. I kind of feel sorry for Laika, because she is only seen as very violent girl to many readers... Since Mina is taking care of all the action scenes now, Laika doesn't have to use her sword anymore. I can concentrate more on drawing their mental and emotional sides. If I got tired of drawing love stories, I can always go back to action scenes again. I think switching back and forth between "Magical Mina" and "Experimental Comic Kotone" will be very benefitial for both me and readers.