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Comic Strips
08/16 MaMi #36
08/17 Romy #15
08/18 Romy #7
08/19 ExCoKo #176
08/20 MaMi #37
08/21 ExCoKo #177
08/22 MaMi #38
08/23 ExCoKo #178
08/24 Romy #8
08/25 Romy #9
08/26 Guest #2
08/27 Guest #3
08/28 Guest #4
08/29 Guest #5
08/30 Guest #6
08/31 Romy #16
09/01 Romy #17
09/02 Guest #7
09/03 Guest #8
09/04 Guest #9
09/05 ExCoKo #179
Monday, August 26, 2002
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Guest Strip #2 "Mina Fashion"

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

My laptop "Tsunami" is currently on a journy to get herself repaired. Tsunami has a problem with AC adapter connection. If I don't set the connection at right angle, power doesn't come on... I'm not going to be able to work on my comic strips for at least two weeks (until she comes back). Mean while, I'll be posting guest comic strips I got from people.

From Monday to Wednesday, there will be guest comic strips (doujin-shi) by Missleaves. Missleaves is a very talented artist. Her drawing style and characters are very cute. Her homepage is "Missleaves's Official Site". She is currently working on manga "Fruity Days". It is a magical girl manga, so if you like magical girl shows, go visit her site :)