Welcome to Tsunami Channel
Comic Strips
09/03 Guest #8
09/04 Guest #9
09/05 ExCoKo #179
09/06 MaMi #39
09/07 Romy #19
09/08 Romy #18
09/09 ExCoKo #180
09/10 MaMi #40
09/11 ExCoKo #181
09/12 MaMi #41
09/13 ExCoKo #182
09/14 Romy #20
09/15 Romy #21
09/16 MaMi #42
09/17 ExCoKo #183
09/18 MaMi #43
09/19 ExCoKo #184
09/20 MaMi #44
09/21 Romy #22
09/22 Romy #23
09/23 ExCoKo #185
Friday, September 13, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #182 "Alex-chan 3"
(Story Arc: Lost Goma-chan)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

This is the "ExCoKo" 200th comic strips. Actually I've drawn more comic strips than that since "Magical Mina" has 33(18+15) pages. If I continue weekday updates (5 times a week), I will be able to draw around 250 comic strips per year. Hmm... That is quite a lot.

I really want to thank all of you for coming to "Tsunami Channel". I don't think I could have continued this long without supports from readers. Comments on forum, fan mails, fan arts, votes on comic ranking, increase in hits, etc really helped me motivate to draw more comic strips. There was a couple of times when I felt I don't want to draw anymore. But when I read messages from readers, I get my energy recharged to start drawing again. Arigatou.

All comic artists worry, "Is my comic good?", "Do readers enjoy my comic?", "How come I get fewer visits", and etc... If we don't get any response or feedback from readers, we get extremely lonely and begin to think very very negatively. If there are comic strips which you really enjoy, please send them supportive messages. Your message might be the reason why your favorite comic was uploaded on time :)