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09/28 Romy #24
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09/30 ExCoKo #190
10/01 ExCoKo #191
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Monday, September 23, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #185 "Oodako"
(Story Arc: Konstantin and Anya)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

In ninja action comics, ninja can fly with big kite - Oodako. Oo means "big" and Tako means "kite". Sound changes from "t" to "d" (ootako -> oodako) because it's little bit difficult to pronounce "ootako".

Unless there is a typhoon or tornado, I'm pretty sure people can't fly with a big kite. Anyway, Konstantin is becoming more and more like ninja... Konstantin was a superb sportman to start with. He's brushing up his techniques more, since Anya is chasing him everyday.